Thursday, December 17, 2009

Winter is here :)

It's been some time since the last post, sorry about that.  Been really busy with grading, finals, and work in general - it's just that time of the year when everything has to come together at the end of the semester.  I must have listened to a track by Calvin Harris nearly 100 times in a row over a 6 hour period that I crammed in something I smartly had procrastinated - It's a strange video, but I had it playing in the background and the music kept me going (along with some slices from a giant 3 inch thick chocolate chip cookie that Randy had baked!).

In the last 18 days we've passed through some really dynamic weather patterns: From pouring rain with seasonal temps to sunny and 65 degrees (wow!), and now to having a foot of snow on the ground and single digits!  Here's a photo summary of events that have taken place since mid November:

Basil is a different sort of cat, the kind that thinks he's a dog :)  He goes on regular walks around town with us - we're all lounging by the river on a beautiful fall afternoon here.

Wynn totally loves swinging.  We never did get around to getting our own swing for the backyard so we end up at the town playground all the time.

Down at the library - That's such a cool rocking chair you're in Wynn!

Wynn has been experimenting with some really progressive hairstyles lately.

Randy and I found enough time to squeeze in a really fun ride on the tandem, I really do feel that this kind of bike is underrated - plus having Randy on the back really gave us some boost - that boy can crank!

And then just like that fall ended and winter arrived laying down a beautiful coating of white puff.  It wasn't too cold though (not yet...) so we headed out for our morning walk.

Cutting baby nails is NOT easy - imagine cutting a piece of paper that was bouncing and moving everywhere, oh and you have to stay right on the line or else you end up with a boo-boo.

The snow also didn't stop us from heading out on the bike so that I could get to my last thesis committee meeting of the year.  It went well and the riding was fun - though I think it would have gone easier if the trailer was on sleds instead of wheels!

Here's a few shots of the sunset from my office window.  It had just finished snowing and sun seemed to have extra shimmer.

We celebrated Grammy Leighton's birthday and Wynn really enjoyed ripping all the wrapping paper.

We went for a sled ride around the house, though I think Wynn was too sleepy to really appreciate it.  The hens were out enjoying the warming sun too - they've been leaving 1 egg for us every other day or so, which isn't too bad considering the lack of daylight this time of year.  The smallish size of the eggs is really apparent when Wynn holds them!

And we've been drying up apples to give away as gifts - so far we've sliced and dried over 20 apples, which may sound like a lot but doesn't amount to much once the water has evaporated off.
And this morning it was cold (that is a 2.8, not 28!!).
We're packing up and starting our trek to Pennsylvania this evening - looking forward to seeing lot's of family and friends :)