Sunday, December 20, 2009

More snow in PA than ME - what!?

We arrived at my parents house just after midnight Friday night - an hour later it started snowing, and it snowed, and snowed, and snowed... 18 inches total.  So from green grass to everything white, all at once - it looks like we're definitely on for a white Christmas!
My mom and dad, MG and Vovo to Wynn, are having a blast seeing their first granddaughter crawl, bounce, "talk", and make silly faces.  They still have the highchair that began it's useful journey in Brasil with me, found more use on Long Island with Thais, and now once again had the dust blown off for Wynn to use.

Wynn and I suited up and headed out into the storm to find Momma Laura, we met her shortly after venturing out.  The snow was falling fast but the temperature was a down right balmy 29 degrees compared to the single digit temps we left behind in Orono.

We had a packed car on the way down, something that I'm not proud of..., but needless to say Wynn is very happy we brought her bouncy bounce chair with us.

The sun is coming up, should be a beautiful day here, maybe do some skiing and certainly will be spending a substantial amount of time finishing a 20 page final paper due tomorrow!!!  Got to love procrastination.

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