Sunday, January 3, 2010

s^2 = snow & sleep, finally!

For the first time in 18 days we slept our first good night last night - ahhhhh, it was SO nice.  It was absolutely wonderful seeing all our family and friends, but Wynn was just not digging all the travel and new sleeping arrangements.  She is sleeping better back in her own bed and Laura and I had our first normal day of being awake *together* during the day.
Here are some of the highlights from our holiday travels:

We spent a terrific evening at Najeeb and Sumiya's where we were able to catch up with lots of friends.  Najeeb has the unique ability to both entertain and terrify Wynn... perhaps that is more general towards anyone!

Mike proposed to Thaïs on Christmas Eve, she said yes of course.  No word on wedding plans yet but we are looking forward to it!

Mike is a professional hair stylist, and I don't mean Great Clips, I mean he will be intimately familiar with the physiology of your hair 10 seconds after running his hand through it.  He spent over an hour (each) cutting my Mom's, Dad's, Grandma's and my hair.  My mom looked like a model, which make up some of Mike's best clientèle.  I, according to Randy, looked like Spock from the newest Star Trek :)

Wynn and her Vovo Doido had a great time making zerberts together - shared zerberts are the best!

MG was in grammy heaven with a sleeping baby in her arms.

Wynn is on her way to being as good a pianist as her mommy.

And she is walking like a champ (with a little red-wagon assistance).

We spent today shoveling out and enjoying the fresh snow and warm temps.  The three of us enjoyed a pleasant snowshoe up Newman Hill.

In addition to playing the piano, Wynn is also showing signs of becoming a 21st century Sherlock Holmes... Sherlock Wynn :)

And finally, now just minutes before bed time, I just polished off a bit more of our wedding cake.  It was carrot, it was a year and a half old, it was still pretty darn good!  There is still a little chocolate left, or maybe it's vanilla.    I wonder how much longer we can stretch it for?

1 comment:

  1. Your momma looks GORGEOUS!! Congrats to Thais--that is SO exciting. :)

    We missed you on New Years. Hope you guys had a blast in ME & can't wait to see you in NH sooooon! (Feb?)

    P.S. Save the date: Sept. 5
