Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ski Ski Ski your brains out :)

We've been skiing like crazy this week - the snow has been puuuurrrrrrrfect and the weather amazing.  I've been classic skiing every morning with Wynn in the baby backpack, and in the last two days Laura was able to join us too :)  It's much easier and faster to have Wynn in the backpack, but she really has fun in the sled too:

We also cut a new path from our backyard that allows us to ski directly to the groomed trails - awesome!  These trails are all set with classic tracks, though sometimes we get out early enough that only the corduroy has been laid down.

James, Laura, Wynn and I all went out for a ski on Saturday.  The sun was out, the temp just right, and James was passing along the best advice he had:
For skate skiing we head over to the University trails system where we are blessed with a dozen or so miles of well groomed trails.

Getting to the University (anywhere really) is best done aboard a bike.  Going skiing is no exception.

Today was the week's highlight - James, the dogs and I hopped in the car *gasp* and headed off to Great Pond Mountain in Orland.  We had heard through the grape vine (Thanks Jim) that this place might lend itself to a good day of backcountry exploring.  We had no idea how great it would actually be!

I'll let the video tell the story:

We are expecting some serious rain tomorrow :( :( :( so I'm terrifically happy we made the most of this snow while it was here.  We will anxiously be waiting for the next good snow storm to pass through.

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