Friday, January 15, 2010

Wynn sleeps through the night for the FIRST time ever!!!!!!

By far the biggest news is that Wynn, for the first time in her life slept completely though the night - I mean a solid 9.5 hrs straight!!!  That also means it was the first time in nearly 10.5 months that Laura also slept more than 5 hrs straight since she didn't get up to nurse Wynn.  Of course this was all two nights ago, last night Wynn was back to her usual, not bad mind you, waking up a couple times at night routine.

As Wynn matures she is much better at entertaining herself and not needing us to hold her at all times.  This has given us more time to cook and bake and live more "normally."  We finally ran out of frozen winter greens last week, stuff like kale and collard.  So we headed out to the farm where we knew the CSA had left generous amounts of veggies in the ground as the first snow fell.  We had little trouble finding and harvesting a few bags of kale, chard and leeks.

The CSA is located at Rogers Farm, which is probably 3-4 miles down the road from the house.  Very convenient.

From our own garden, which was a challenge to even get into as the door was unwilling to open with so much snow in its path, we gathered more carrots.

I think there is still a bit more than this in the ground, which remains unfrozen thanks to the insulating blanket of snow.
So what did we make with all this?  Well we made an absolutely amazing carrot cake for James' birthday last night (no photo but I am sure my body is still riding on that rush of ymmmm!).  We made some French Onion soup (still have LOTS of cured onions in the back room) with some fresh baguettes.  Enjoyed plenty of stir fried kale and chard greens.  And experimented with some delicatta and eggs, sort of a poached egg with cheese and green bean sort of dish - it was good :).

Yogurt has become a staple for us, but I have always had an issue with the unrecyclable (in most places at least) containers that yogurt comes in.  We have looked into getting local yogurt, which comes in returnable glass jars, but it is over $6 a quart.  So from the depths of Sheila and Scott's house we found a yogurt maker that appears to have never been used since its purchase nearly 20 years ago!  With a quart of local milk and a tablespoon of our last Stoneyfield yogurt we made this:

It tastes just like the plain cream top starter yogurt we used, it was EASY, it was affordable, and best of all there is zero waste.  We will not be buying plastic yogurt containers anymore!!!
So that was the food and ymm-ymmm's summary.  After a year and a half we have finally hung up our wedding certificate, which has the signatures of all the wonderful people that attended on that special day.

Wynn has been utilizing her vocal cords in pleasant ways:

And she and mommy have enjoyed some quality dance time together:

Wynn also thinks calculators are pretty cool, maybe she will grow up and follow the nerdy steps of her parents ;)

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