Monday, November 2, 2009

A busy day after a fun weekend

On Monday Laura works and I, well I am sorta supposed to work everyday... but that's another, err... So I watch Wynn Monday morning until Sheila, Laura's mom, arrives and relieves my sitting duties so that I may get some school work done - which today was a whole ton of papers to grade from a couple physics labs I TA.

Before I left I handed BW a slice of homemade bread, which we have been giving her for a while now.  We also did, however, just read something about holding back on introducing wheat until 18 months to prevent an allergy.  Oops!  She seems to be fine and has been eating rice and oats for a longer period of time already.

She had a great day with grandma - took a couple walks, bounced in her bouncy swing thing, and had some pears among other things.  She's got 4 little teeny lower teeth and we figure some upper ones must be on there way any day now.  Growing all big and strong requires a whole lot of good nutrition, so we got some carrots and kale from our garden and steamed them up in no time, ymmmm, mushed kale and carrots!  The carrots are tried and true, we'll see tomorrow how she likes the kale.

Now Laura and I are finally sitting and relaxing and about to enjoy a fresh salad with homemade croutons that are AMAZING!  Bedtime comes next, hopefully we'll be snoozing before 9:30, fingers are crossed.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!! BW looks too cute smiling up at ME from the page. :)

    Oh, and can you please share your homemade crouton recipe? I have lots of bread left over from a party this weekend and would love to do something like that with it!

    Thanks! Miss you all!
