Monday, November 9, 2009

The chickens are in!

We finally got the coop done, the garden prepped, and the chickens moved in yesterday.  We made some modifications to the inside so that the nesting area would be at a higher level then the "hanging out" area - this way the eggs will stay cleaner and will also allow for a thick layer of bedding where the hens are sure to make more poo.  It looks darn fancy with the that high-dollar linoleum "wood" floor!

Wynn helped level and measure out the hole we cut into the fence that will allow the hens to travel between coop and garden.

And James, Jenny and Mike all helped transfer the chickens and welcome them to their new home.

So the girls should now stay warm and cozy during the frosty nights we've started having.
We also picked up another order of peanuts, 30 lbs to be exact.  Wynn was pretty stoked, though she will unfortunately not know what they taste like for a couple more years :(  The peanuts will be enjoyed in granola, bread, stir fries, and with chocolate cookies - and I guess that Wynn will ultimately enjoy them too in the form of breast milk from mommy :)

That thought kept her happy through her bath and in her dreams.  She is such a silly dilly bean!

Woke up this morning with 4 fresh loaves of bread cooled and ready to share and eat.  One will go to Laura's dad, one to our neighbor who has generously lent us an incredible amount of tools and heavy equipment, one will go into our freezer, and the 4th I am currently already eating - ymmmm!

It's been a good day - started off with Laura, Wynn and sunshine.  I even snuck a short cross ride in on the commute into school, it's amazing how a little exercise can awaken the mind and body.  I've finished grading the giant stack of physics labs on my desk, started some reading for class and am now looking forward to heading home and being with my family, hopefully we can go for an evening stroll while we still have our indian-summer weather.


  1. Amazing.
    Wynn is so beautiful.
    And her winter jacket is at my house still.

    I guess that means we get to hang out again.


  2. The coop looks great! How many chickens do you have and how many eggs do they provide you? I've been planning what we'll plant in our garden (if we ever get that far). What seems to work for you guys, my fellow New England residents? :)
