Friday, November 13, 2009

Toasty basement = Toasty house :)

This will probably read sporadically as I'm going to combine a few days together, bear with me!

Laura recently found an old Lord of the Rings-ish shawl that her mom and her made many years ago.  It works great in keeping her and BW warm and cozy together.  Now all she needs is the elven brooch!

BW has been eating mushed up bananas for a few weeks now.  But it's only recently that she get to do the mushing herself.  She eats about 1 banana a day - a little for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Ymmmm.  As you might guess it gets pretty messy but she loves it :)

A month or two ago Laura and Aimee were interviewed as part of a story that just aired on the evening news here this week.  Even Wynn made it into the footage.  The story, concerning Empty Arms, will hopefully allow others who have lived through a loss find a group to share their emotions.

The most recent and exciting event for us is that we will no longer have a cold, drafty basement!  Early in the year we had a home energy efficiency test done.  One of the things found during the test was that the basement was as drafty as a wide open window!  The foundation walls are beautiful, 120 years old, and until just recently full of holes.  So yesterday we had some folks come out and sprayfoam the walls.  We've lost some of that old basement charm, but the entire house is already feeling tighter and warmer.  This will be especially evident in another month or two when the temperatures start dipping into the double negatives - yikes!

We enjoyed a day at home all together today.  I had originally planned on heading into the office to get some work done, but it was so nice just to stay home and be with my two beautiful girls.  I hung out with Wynn in the morning, went for a little stroll, enjoyed the thawing of the heavy frost that only happens early in the day, and fed the chickens.  Can you find Wynn in the photo below???

I was able to work at writing my thesis later in the day and BW got to play with her mommy.

The three of us headed over to the university library to find a journal article from 1983, old enough that it wasn't available electronically.  The periodical stacks at the library are amazing - 4 floors of wall to wall, floor to ceiling journals!  And the stairwells are as no wider than our kitchen sink and built like a bomb shelter.  I have a new appreciation for the level of organization that library's have!

The sunset was incredible as we headed over to have dinner with Randy, Heather, and Grayson - we enjoyed pumpkin soup (made with our own pumpkins and onions :) and a turkey sausage, potato hash that Randy deliciously fried up.  Did I mention the pumpkin pie for desert!  Randy made it with whole wheat crust, it was great!!

A great Friday and Friday night, 9:49 pm and Laura & I are cozy on the sofa in front of the hot wood stove.

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