Thursday, November 5, 2009

Eating like a big kid

Yesterday, Wednesday, momma worked and dad had to too!  Who in the world was going to watch BW???  It's Grammy Leighton to the rescue!  So after raking leaves with BW (who happily supervised from the Kelty backpack) we headed up to Lincoln for the day.  After refueling with a handful of cookies I headed down to the basement apartment and hunkered down with a curriculum study guide and a dozen other texts - the target: energy transfer driving global winds.

BW and Grammy headed off for a walk in the backyard, well BW actually rode in the red wagon, though she is getting better at standing and taking some steps (both with lot's of help from M & D).

The sun was setting (happens pretty early these days!) BW and I headed out back to shake the apple tree, we collected about 2 bushels, which will be turned into applesauce, cider, and just plain enjoyed simply.  Then we were off to Old Town Highschool to share what I had worked on all day and chat with some other science teachers.  We met Ed's room, which he was moved to this year - there are no desks, just lab benches, so students sit on stools and write using clipboards!  We all agreed it was a pretty bad scenario, but students apparently could care less :)  Ed also treated us to some homemade stew, made with fresh moose steak!  Not bad at all I would have to say.

Finally we got home and BW got to see momma!!  Oh happy times.

Today, Thursday, we had some flurries and are forecasted to receive maybe 4 inches tonight!!  Wow, winter got here quick.  I hurriedly attempted to finish the chicken coop this afternoon but there are still some details left to work on.  Hopefully tomorrow we can move the hens from their summer flat into their winter condo.
Wynn also enjoyed her first eating experience at the table with us - she loved it!  The high chair is from a friend who got it 30+ years ago in Mongolia and fed his own kids in it.  Wynn fits nicely in it and happily finished off 2 or 3 dozen vegi O's, some mushed peas, and some oatmeal, ymmmmm.  She definitely likes being a big girl :)

Basil definitely likes hanging out on a few towels stacked on top of BW's spaceship.

Tomorrow is an exciting day for someone very special, can you guess who...

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