Sunday, November 1, 2009

Today felt like probably the best last day of the fall before the cold snap of winter really hits - we had completely sunny, near 60ºF weather, perfect for all the fun we had! Jenny came over and she and Laura went for muddy mountain bike ride full of slippery roots, goop and glop, standard conditions for around here!
Wynn and I enjoyed a nice jog along the river and through the woods, a nice stretch of the legs for me and short little snooze for BW.
Randy showed up soon after BW woke and she and Laura dropped us off out in the sticks for what would be a 3.5 hr non-stop paddle back home. Even before we got started Randy was choking me, I think we was on to something...
Meanwhile back home Wynn was being subjected to a fall colors photo shoot by mom - she hung in there, she's such a trooper.2:15pm, shortly after putting in, we are well under way
Plenty of beaver homes along the paddle
One of several portages around hydro electric dams. We did however manage to find whitewater here and there that almost sent us under a number of times... neither of us are really canoe people!Soon night was upon us, we arrived back home with wet and frozen feet around 5:45. Arriving meant we pulled up along shore, took the canoe from the water, left it in the grass (our neighbor's backyard), and walked across the street to our house where BW was having a little snack of banana o's and pears, ymmm :)
Now I finish off another wonderful day sharing a big serving of ice cream cake with my bean. Goodnight. Zzzzzz

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